One of the best things about being happy with yourself and your relationships is that it makes it easier to see what is making you unhappy. When you know that your partner, and your friends, and your family, and your self aren't the root of your misery that pretty much leaves one thing. Your career.
When someone makes the statement that they need to simplify it is usually for some selfless reason. Like reducing their carbon footprint by not having as many things or saving money so they can stay home with their kids. The more time I spend at the cabin, or at the beach, the more time I spend wishing for something a little more simple. When I spend two, four, six, heck ten days, completely unplugged it makes me wonder why I can't simply simplify.
I would love to live in a 800 square foot house, blocks from the beach, working a job that I don't hate. I would love to make people coffee, or serve them drinks and burgers on the beach. Granted I would love to do that more if I were the proprietor of the coffee/restaurant. I want to deal with people who don't hate me because I make them follow the rules and pay their rent. I want to be able to walk to the beach and relax. I want to be able to wear long flowing skirts, do yoga, wear a hoop in my nose and dye a chunk of my hair pink. I might not actually do those things, but I want to be able to. How cool would it be to actually be that eccentric woman that you admire when you see her happily walking down the street?
That all sounds like stuff I should have done in my 20's. But I didn't. When I was in my 20's I was being a mom and a wife and figuring out how to support my family. My friend Veronica blogged about the Quarter Life Crisis today and as I was reading and appreciating her blog, I think about my quarter life crisis, which consisted of realizing that I didn't get to have my 20's in the normal way. Now that I am 30 something I should be able to live how I want. A little more free and a little more careless and a little less stressed.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be poor and struggle day in and day out. I just don't want to have to work so hard at a job I hate, that my friends are worried is going to give me a aneurysm, in order to make ends meet. I want to have the freedom that being less stressed allows. Even if that doesn't realize itself in the beach dream it's going to have to realize itself soon. Very, very soon. In some form or another.
Guess I'm getting a job.........